Our mission
Engaging men to grow, give and serve as followers of Jesus for God's shalom.
Our vision
Our vision is of men enjoying and extending God's abundant life by…
- Respecting themselves and all people as beloved children of God
- Following Jesus, the image of God and model human
- Becoming strong, loving, and wise in the Spirit
- Practicing love across the range of our relationships
- Using power with and for rather than over and against others
- Sharing resources with generosity to meet human needs
- Standing with marginalized people for diversity and inclusion
- Transforming oppressive systems for freedom and justice
- Relating to all creatures as kin in the community of creation
- Caring for Earth to sustain its beauty, biodiversity, and abundance
All to live into God's shalom so abundant life flourishes throughout creation from generation to generation.
Read our full statement and approach to men's work HERE.